Jul 7, 2009

Horse in the year of the Ox

I was curious of what Horses have in the year of the Ox. Surprisingly, most of the Relationship parts had already passed by my thoughts.

Horse Relationships

It would be wise to take caution in your relations. In order for the Horse to have success with personal relations in the year of the Ox, pay attention to the needs of those around you and listen. Hesitate before expressing what is on your mind to spare the feelings of others. At times, you may be so preoccupied with your own activities that you forget the needs of those around you. Step outside of your own world to take care of the ones you love. The single Horse may have trouble this year finding a meaningful, long lasting relationship.

Hehe. I know I've been here that's why I was surprised. I find it funny because I've realized these even before reading about it.

Horse Overview

The Horse may have a challenging year ahead. You may become frustrated with the lack of progress in your career, but you will have to be patient to see the results of your hard work. Beware of your energy levels, as you tend to swing in accordance to your success. You will have to work hard to steer yourself out of ruts with healthy activities and other projects that keep you active. Take comfort in your loved ones and friends who will provide support for you in times of need. Be open to try new things and heed the advice of others in the year of the Ox

Alright. Done here. Just shared stuffs.

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